
affix INCL inclusive
= clitic INDEF indefinite
compound word INDP independent
ligature between multi-word lexical items in line 2 INSTR instrumental case
~ reduplication INSTR.NOM instrumental nominalizer
1 first person INTENS intensive
2 second person INTER interjection
3 third person IRR irrealis
12 first and second person JIT Jitotoltec
3/2 third person acting on second person LCL local participant
A subject of transitive verb LIG ligature
ABL ablative LIM limitational
ABS absolutive case LOC locative
ADJZ adjectivizer LOC.EXT locative: exterior
ADV adverbializer LOC.INT locative: interior
AFFEC affective MASC masculine
AFFIR affirmative MED medial deictic
AGT.NOM agentive nominalizer NCLF noun classifier
AMBUL ambulative NEG negation
AND andative NEUT neutral demonstrative
ANTIP antipassive NHPL non-human plural
APPL applicative NOM nominalizer
ASSOC associative NUM number
ASSUM assumptive NUMC numeral classifier
AUGM augmentative O object of transitive
AUX auxiliary verb OPT optative
AYA Ayapanec PASS passive
BEN benefactive PAST past
CAUS causative PERF perfective
CINF connective interfix PERL perlative
CMP completive PL plural
CMP.IND independent completive PO primary object
COM comitative POI Sierra Popoluca (ISO)
COMP complementizer POQ Texistepec (ISO)
COND conditional PRES present
CONTR contrafactual PRO pronoun
COP copula PROG progressive
DEP definite determiner PROV provisory
DEFNUM definite number PRX proximal demonstrative
DEFOC defocused subject PSR possessor
DEM demonyn PTCL particle
DEP dependent QP question particle
DEP.INTRA dependent intransitive A QUOT quotative
DEP.INTRB dependent intransitive B RCPT recipient raiser
DEP.TRNS dependent transitive REASON reason
DEPOS depositive REC reciprocal
DERIV derivational REDUP reduplicated root
DESID desiderative REFL reflexive
DET determiner REL relativizer
DF diffuse action RN relational noun
DIM diminutive REP reportative
DIR directional REPET repetitive
DIST distal determiner RESUL resultative
DISTR distributive S subject of intransitive verb
DUB dubious SA ergative-intransitive subject
EMPH emphasis SB absolutive-intransitive subject
EPEN epenthesis SBJV subjunctive
ERG ergative SG singular
EXC exclusive SIM similative case
FEM feminine SO secondary object
fig. figuratively SOT Soteapanec, Sierra Popoluca
FOC focus SPECIF specific
FRUS frustrative STV stative
FUT future SUBORD subordinator
FUT.AUX future auxiliary TDIST temporal distal deictic
GEN genitive TEC Tecpatan Zoque
HES hesitation TEX Texistepec
HORT hortative TSUB temporal subordinator
HPL human plural VAR plural marker indicating various, group or bunch
IAM iamative (=already) VERS versive
IDEO ideophone VPPD verbal postpound
IMP imperative VRB verbalizer
IMPF imperfective ZMAR Sta María Chimalapa
IMPL impersonal ZMIG Sn Miguel Chimalapa
INC incompletive ZOH Sta María and Sn Miguel Chimalapa (ISO)
INC.DEP dependent incompletive ZOQ Ayapanec (ISO)
INCH inchoative